δA²  Bronze age

Rock engravings: the Sacred Path

1,500 to 1,800 years BCE


Engravings of Fontanalba
Engravings of Fontanalba
Engravings of Fontanalba
Engravings of Fontanalba

Valley of Fontanalba, Castérino

The Mount Bego region has revealed nearly 40,000 rock engravings, distributed between the Val de Fontanalba on its eastern slope and the Vallée des Merveilles on its western part, making it a unique site with an exceptional archaeological heritage.

It is estimated that these engravings were made between the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Bronze Age, between 3000 and 1500 BCE for the most part.

These rock-cut engravings are ideograms illustrating the pastoral and probably religious life of the people of protohistory. There we find in particular, as on the Sacred Way (photo 4) of the Fontanalba valley, representations of: 
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