δA²  Raptors

Variable buzzard

Buteo buteo

Variable buzzard
Vallon de la Brague, Alpes-Maritimes

The variable buzzard is a diurnal raptor, whose name comes from the great variability of its plumage, which can be light or dark.
It nests in tall trees and spends much of its time hovering high in the sky, feeding on small mammals, birds, insects and earthworms.
The buzzard is one of the birds of prey that can not be erected unlike the hawk or hawk, which is one of the reasons why its name was considered synonymous with imbecility. The other explanation is the fact that it can remain a long time immobile, the gaze, which is perceived as a sign of stupidity.
The buzzard is like all raptors, a protected species. Its cry resembles that of a high-pitched mewing: it is said that it pees . 
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