δA²  Natural phenomena


Two cloud-to-ground flashes less than two seconds apart

Late summer thunderstorm, vallon de la Brague

A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon, characterized by a series of lightning and thunderbolts, which forms from a specific cloud, the cumulonimbus.

A lightning bolt can fire inside the cloud, between two clouds, between the cloud and an aircraft or between a cloud and the ground, in the latter case called cloud-to-ground lightning. In the case of a cloud-to-ground lightning, a first discharge is initially formed from the ground to the cloud then causing an electric arc descending from the cloud to the ground (the lightning) followed by a thunderclap: When lightning occurs, it heats the surrounding air which expands at a supersonnic speed creating a sudden noise: the thunderclap. This sound wave travels at the speed of sound and arrives at an observer after the flash of lightning, which propagates at the speed of light. 
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